Global Pharmaceutical Provider

MDM & Data Governance

Global Pharmaceutical Provider

Business Situation:

This global pharmaceutical company is involved in the research, development, production, marketing, and worldwide sales of drugs for neurological and psychiatric disorders. With production facilities in Japan, China, and the U.S., their growth strategy relies heavily on sales of newly acquired drugs. However, poor data quality was hampering their ability to optimize sales, leading to inefficiencies in both their marketing and sales efforts. To address this, the company needed to enable its management, sales, and marketing teams to become more strategic and boost direct sales to physicians.

EA Approach:

Evolution Analytics (EA) began by developing a strategic roadmap and implementing their Data Governance/MDM/Data Quality™ solution, specifically designed for the Life Sciences sector. EA created a vertical MDM framework tailored to the organization, improving master data management across the company. They also developed a robust data governance model, enabling timely and effective decision-making around master data.

Supporting Techologies:


Benefits and Value Delivered:

  • 300% increase in sales
  • Resolution of compliance issues
  • Achieved a “Single Version of the Truth,” ensuring data integrity and enhanced data visualization
  • 90% reduction in manual processes within sales and marketing
  • Eliminated the need for costly software solutions
